Are you a female service based or online business owner?

Do You Want To FINALLY Get The Support You Need For Your Business... ALL In The One Place?

Join our community and get connected with driven and passionate business owners and access the tools you need to start, grow and scale your business in alignment with your values and goals.

Our community is open!



Are you a female services based or online business owner?

Do You Want To FINALLY Get The Support You Need For Your Business... ALL In The One Place?

Join our community and get connected with driven and passionate business owners and access the tools you need to start, grow and scale your business in alignment with your values and goals.

Doors are open! 

I'm in! Join Now
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If you're ready to go from..

  • Overwhelmed to Calm & in Control
  • Unsure to Certain
  • Confused to Clear
  • Frustrated to Satisfied
  • Uninspired to Passionate & Driven
  • Procrastinating to Productive
  • Over-thinking to Doing & Achieving

Bold Aligned Business is the community for you!

Do you feel alone or isolated in your business?

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the decisions you need to make?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have access to a support network? 


If you answered yes to any (or all) of the above, the Bold Aligned Business - The Membership is for you!

It's a place where you get to put you and your business first, without guilt. It is more than just a membership, it is an investment in your wellbeing and success.. in business and life.

You can mastermind, connect and collaborate with like-minded, driven and passionate business owners to fast track your decision making and business growth. You will gain valuable insights, be able to ask questions and expand your business knowledge, all inside the BAB community.

Being a part of this type of community allows you to become more productive and effective in your business without the overwhelm. It's time to STOP over-thinking and under-producing!

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So why would YOU choose to join
Bold Aligned Business -
The Membership


Well if you are anything like our members (and I suspect you are) they realised that some very important links in their business chain were missing and that by surrounding themselves with the right support network, they could build and scale their business with more alignment, speed and ease.


Do you agree that being in business right now, IS harder than ever?


The world we know is changing at a rapid pace and so is the business landscape! IT IS A LOT to navigate on your own, right!

I believe if you choose to continue to do business alone, you will find it harder and harder to succeed and it will come at a far greater cost.

How do I know? I've been there. I've been in business for myself for the past 18+ years and for the first 10.5 years I did it by myself.

The result? When I closed the doors of my beauty franchise I was almost broken - mentally and emotionally. I had been running on empty for months (years even), I had a busy mind that kept me awake at night, I was completely drained due to decision fatigue and felt like I was giving up my life for my business.

What was missing?
  Community! I felt alone in running my business. Don't get me wrong I was completely supported by my (very successful) husband but my beauty family and support network were 3 hours away... and 18 years ago Zoom wasn't a thing!

Identifying COMMUNITY as a core business value and a massive hole in my first business has driven me to create Bold Aligned Business - The Membership. I never want you to feel alone and overwhelmed like I did in my first business. I want you to have people you can connect with for support and growth.

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So, why is now the perfect time for you to make a change? 

The new way of business is genuinely calling for 'COLLABORATION NOT COMPETITION'

It's vital you have a community instead of doing it solo!

Whilst the innovation and evolution of technology SHOULD in fact make your job easier, the feeling of needing to stay up-to-date is stressful and overwhelming. Agree?

Having me, a Business Alignment Coach & Strategist with 18+ years of business experience, access to Industry Experts AND a 'brains trust' of diverse and intelligent business owners in your corner, and at the ready to support you with their own individual skills, expertise and vast business experience, is the way of your future.

That is our community..
Bold Aligned Business - The Membership!

Hey I’m Kell,

For the past 18 years I have owned and operated my own businesses, building 5 companies in that time. I’ve learnt what it takes to be successful not just in business but in life. I have also learnt how easy it is to become frustrated and disappointed, even resentful and bitter about your business, especially when it feels like it’s taking more from your life than it’s giving. In my experience, that is a result of over-thinking and under-producing resulting in a misalignment with your business and your life. 

In my other company, that I founded with my best friend, we've created one of the most powerful and supportive communities for women I believe this country has ever seen. From that, I learnt powerfully and quickly, the enormous benefit of having a supportive community has on your mindset, confidence, belief and success. Another reason I was called to create this community for passionate female business owners.


I also KNOW from personal experience that building, running and scaling your business on your own, is isolating and lonely.

I wasted so much time, energy and emotion
 over-thinking decisions and lacked the confidence to make moves in my business because I didn't have the ability to bounce ideas around with someone. I don't want that to be YOU!

So, I've created the community I needed when I started out in business over 18 years ago! 

This is your invitation to join me (and other awesome business owners) inside Bold Aligned Business - The Membership to connect, collaborate and grow an aligned business and life!
I share everything I have learnt over my 18+ year business journey in our safe and collaborative space.
I also invite industry leaders into our community to share their experience, expertise and knowledge so you can implement the learnings into your own business.

The feedback from Bold Aligned Business members speak for themselves...

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Here is the low down on all you need to know about Bold Aligned Business -
The Membership?

Bold Aligned Business - The Membership is a membership for service based business owners, online business owners and coaches to become clear, driven, focused, productive and feel supported in the running and scaling of their business.

It's not about the consumption of unnecessary and non relevant content but a thriving hub where you can access the tools, resources and information necessary to move your business forward.

My goal for you is to get into action to create an aligned business and life of your dreams, by having the accountability of a fun and supportive community.

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Here is a taste of what you get inside
Bold Aligned Business - The Membership...

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Access the recordings of all previous
Bold Aligned Business Industry Expert sessions and Masterclasses with Kell

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I'm in! JOIN NOW!

Ok! What is the cost and who is it for?

My goal is for Bold Aligned Business - The Membership to be accessible to all women in business, risk-free and unquestionably valuable.

If you are just getting started or have been in business for years, there is something for everyone inside our community.  

Bold Aligned Business is not an expense, it's an INVESTMENT!

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Choose your pass via the button below ⬇️


Ok! What is the cost and who is it for?

My goal is for Bold Aligned Business - The Membership to be accessible to all women in business, risk-free and unquestionably valuable.

If you are just getting started or have been in business for years, there is something for everyone inside our community.  

Bold Aligned Business is not an expense, it's an INVESTMENT!

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Choose your pass via the button below ⬇️


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